Samantha Potter
Air Force Academy

Degree: B.S. in English and Legal Studies

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
The Stamps Scholarship enabled me to take my learning out of the textbooks and apply it to real life situations. I studied displacement all of my Freshman and Sophomore year, but it was only until after I traveled to Ukraine in the summer of 2018 and saw displacement from military action first hand, that I realized the breadth of my research. That could only have been accomplished with the Stamps Scholarship.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Continue to follow your passions and dreams no matter what adversity comes your way. Most importantly, stay true to yourself and your passions.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
My academic mentors have molded my undergraduate experience by providing support and guidance through many challenging decisions. I would not have gotten the Stamps scholarship without the tireless efforts of my mentors and their unwavering support.

What comes next?
I will attend Oxford University and pursue an MPhil in International Relations.