Ian Adams
Georgia Tech

Degree: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
The Stamps Scholarship immediately presented me opportunities I had only dreamed of before. The scholarship removed the burden of finance and gifted me time, which I was then able to use developing my personal and career interests. It allowed me to explore the world outside of my classes.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
One, take every opportunity you can. I knew this as a freshman, but I have now a much greater appreciation and understanding of how powerful this is.
Two, don’t worry so much. Take a step back and look at the big picture and long term. Then you will realize the true significance and importance of what you choose to do.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
My closest friends have had the greatest impact on my college career through the time we have spent growing together and questioning everything. They bring new perspectives and an eagerness to discuss and learn that inspires me everyday.

What comes next?
I am excited to be moving to Seattle and working for Microsoft as a mechanical engineer with the devices team.