Edward Szczepanski
University of Oregon

Degree: B.S. in Computer Science

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
The Stamps Scholarship allowed me to fully invest myself in my studies & career while also exposing me to a brilliant group of students. Using enrichment funding, I was able to travel to Japan where I visited Google Tokyo and Amazon Japan. I was also able to travel to Georgia Tech for the Stamps Scholars National Convention where I went to sessions on topics such as Artificial Intelligence.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Figure out exactly what you want and make it a reality. Do not second guess your potential; allow yourself to surprise you. During my senior year of high school, I did not know if I was cut out for a career in computer science. I also did not know if I could handle more advanced math. Little did I know, I would graduate early, Summa Cum Laude, with a degree in CS and a minor in math. I remember when I was first thinking about internships and thought Google was completely unattainable. Nothing will be given to you but with drive, determination, and thoughtful execution you can do some amazing things.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
Adrian Swanberg. Adrian visited the University of Oregon in the Fall of 2016 on a recruiting trip on behalf of Google. He was working on the Google Self-Driving Car Project at that time which would become Waymo, an independent company under the Alphabet umbrella. He would later give me a mock interview, which helped me land an internship with Google Maps, and refer me for an internship with his team at Waymo. This led to a full-time offer which I happily accepted.

What comes next?
Software Engineer at Waymo working on Machine Learning Training for Self-Driving Cars.