Justin Bockholt
University of Michigan

Degree: B.S. in Athletic Training

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
The Stamps Scholarship empowered me to take advantage of every opportunity that I could possibly seek out. I was able to play on Michigan’s club volleyball team, work as an athletic training student with the Michigan Football, Soccer, and Volleyball teams. I used my enrichment funds to learn about innovative technology in the field of orthopedic rehabilitation when I took a Blood Flow Restriction course the summer between my junior and senior year. While all these experiences have been an integral part of my time at Michigan, the community of Stamps Scholars at Michigan have truly shaped my college life. They have always been there for me whenever I needed a friend and I look forward to nurturing the lifelong friendships I have made with my fellow Stamps Scholars.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Be confident in yourself (or at least fake it ’til you make it) and keep surrounding yourself with other inspired, empathetic, and ambitious individuals.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
To single out any one individual would be a disservice to all those who have helped me reach the point that I have today. I owe so many thanks to Dr. Stamps and his family as well as the entire Stamps Family Charitable Foundation. Furthermore, my fellow Michigan Stamps Scholars have had a huge impact on who I am and where I am going. I also have an immense amount of gratitude toward all the athletic trainers I have been so fortunate to work with at Michigan as well as the professors who have taught me so many lessons.

What comes next?
I will be attending the University of Oregon where I will work toward my Master’s in Human Physiology Graduate Studies in Athletic Training while also working as a Graduate Employee for Oregon’s Athletic Medicine team.