Taylor Stirling

Degree: B.B.A. in Management

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
I would not have been able to do things like studying abroad in Cuba or interning in Madrid without the Stamps Scholarship. These experiences have shaped me into who I am today and have made me a more well-rounded person and young professional. I also can’t imagine going through college without our LSU Stamps cohort, who I loved to spend time with.

Knowing what you know now, what advice can you offer to incoming freshmen Stamps Scholars?
There is never a better time to learn than in college. Daron Roberts, the speaker at SSNC19, was right in that your .edu email is a powerful tool. More often than you think, people will be happy to talk to you about their field, research, job, etc. You will gain knowledge and connections that will be valuable somewhere down the line.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
Our Stamps advisors Dr. Arms and Lucy Simon have had the biggest singular impacts on me. They are always available to talk to and have given me great advice over the years, whether it be job searching, campus involvement, or life in general.

Who or what is inspiring you during this trying time of COVID-19?
I’ve been inspired by all my classmates who are pushing through despite graduating in a pandemic and having to change their plans. I’ve mostly been spending time working from home and getting back into running.

What comes next?
I’ll be staying in my current role working with Deloitte on a project for the Louisiana Department of Health.


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June 4, 2020