Jacey Schick
University of Illinois

Degree: B.S. in Agricultural and Consumer Economics

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
The Stamps Scholarship gave me the ability to pursue my interests in agricultural policy without having to worry about the financial costs of study abroad, experiential learning courses, and conferences. I was able to travel to Puerto Rico twice to support disaster resiliency projects, and these trips inspired me to concentrate my studies on environmental economics and policy. Being a Stamps Scholar has been a life-transforming experience, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunities provided by this scholarship!

Knowing what you know now, what advice can you offer to incoming freshmen Stamps Scholars?
When life gets tough, be gritty. Hold onto your values and push through challenges knowing that you will be stronger when you reach the other side.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
My Stamps advisor, Sarah Watson, has had an incredible impact on my college career. She has been by my side when I made tough decisions regarding my major and summer opportunities. She supported and encouraged me in all my pursuits.

Who or what is inspiring you during this trying time of COVID-19?
I am spending my time by enjoying a bit of relaxation before my internship starts. It has been refreshing reconnecting with family and friends and taking some extra time for myself!

What comes next?
I have a summer internship with Corn Refiners Association in Washington DC. After the internship, I will be looking for a policy-related position in DC.


Posted on

June 5, 2020