Kyle Massa
Purdue University

Degree: B.S. in Electrical Engineering

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
The Stamps Scholarship not only provided me with a better understanding of the world through study abroad opportunities in Kenya and Singapore, but also a better understanding of who I am as a leader through the spectacular Stamps Scholars community at Purdue. Without the older Purdue Stamps Scholars who took an interest in me, I would have never found the student organizations that formed the foundation of my undergraduate experience.

Knowing what you know now, what advice can you offer to incoming freshmen Stamps Scholars?
To slightly modify a Dumbledore quote, “Help will always be given in the Stamps Scholars community to those who ask for it.” It’s okay to not be perfect; no leader is. Whether you’re struggling with academics, adapting to changing circumstances, or pursuing your passion on campus, you have a Stamps family ready to support you at a moment’s notice, as many of us have faced or are facing the very same challenges.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
The older Stamps Scholars have had the greatest impact on me, especially Nick Morales, Kristen Frohning, Kai Strubel, Matt Cunningham, Sarah Rodenbeck, Emma Alexander, Claire Lee, Beau DeLaet, and Peter Boyd. As an oldest child, they were like older brother/sister figures to me, sharing the lessons they’d learned and offering unconditional friendship during our time at Purdue and beyond.

Who or what is inspiring you during this trying time of COVID-19?
Creating and listening to music is inspiring me and keeping me sane while I keep up with current events through a subscription to The Atlantic that my parents surprised me with as a graduation present (I am waiting patiently for the June issue to arrive). I’ve also gone from running three days a week to five or six, and am honing my table tennis skills in daily matches against my family members.

What comes next?
I will be moving to Chicago this fall to start a full-time job at Accenture as a technical analyst.


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June 5, 2020