Anish Bhattacharya
University of Illinois

Degrees: B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Minor in Computational Science and Engineering

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
The Stamps Scholarship gave me the chance to pursue once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that I otherwise might not have considered. After my freshman year, I researched at the Tokyo Institute of Technology for three months. I later went on a volunteering trip in Antigua, Guatemala. The scholarship also allowed me to step far outside my typical academic sphere into a political science-based study trip in Argentina as well as a cultural study tour in Peru. The scholarship literally opened me to a world of new possibilities, which has helped me grow into a more globally-conscious, adventurous, and creative individual.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Don’t stress out so much! Classes and extracurriculars can be stressful but remember to enjoy yourself and keep exploring.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
I think that the group of Illinois Stamps Scholars has driven me throughout college to be a better version of myself. Through their example, I have striven to be more open-minded and selfless. And of course, they have also pushed me to achieve!

What’s your favorite Stamps Scholar memory?
It is hard to choose just one favorite memory. Every winter, the Illinois Stamps Scholars have a tradition of fundraising for a local homeless shelter through an event called One Winter Night. Participants brave a February winter night in a cardboard box on the streets of downtown Champaign, IL to raise money for the cause. This was not only an excellent volunteering opportunity but also a great bonding experience with the other scholars. I also visited Peru on a study trip with my cohort of scholars to learn about Peruvian culture and the history of the Incas. Exploring Machu Picchu, hiking in Ollantaytambo, and tasting chicha with them was an awesome way to end my time as a Stamps Scholar.

What comes next?
This fall I will be attending the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University under an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to study autonomous robotics and swarm robotics.

Please share your favorite inspirational quote.
“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” ‚Äì John F. Kennedy, September 12, 1962