Grace Schippers
Notre Dame

Degree: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
The Stamps Scholarship has made my entire undergraduate experience at the University of Notre Dame possible. With its support, I had an amazing four years, which included completing a human centered design research project in Haiti focused on clean water access, participating in a mechanical engineering program in Rome, Italy where I was a Pontifical Academy for Life intern during their roboethics conference, attending a summer engineering program in London, and serving as President of the University of Notre Dame’s Engineering Leadership Council.

Knowing what you know now, what advice can you offer to incoming freshmen Stamps Scholars?
Embrace each moment to its fullest! College is the perfect environment for amazing serendipitous encounters. Dream big, work hard, and don’t panic if life deviates from your plans.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
Throughout my life and into my college career, my family has been an unfailing source of support. At school, my fellow classmates and scholars have been an incredible source of inspiration. Their drive, passion, and accomplishments continually motivate me to be the best version of myself.

Who or what is inspiring you during this trying time of COVID-19?
During the pandemic, I’ve treasured spending quality time with my family while finishing my degree. While at home, I’ve also enjoyed writing a cookbook, knitting my first scarf, reading, and watching old Survivor seasons.

What comes next?
Next year, I’ll be starting in the Edison Engineering Program at GE Aviation, where I’ll get my Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering while working through several engineering rotations.


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June 4, 2020