Kristen Frohning
Purdue University

Degrees: B.S. in Finance; B.S. in Accounting

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
Simply put, being a Stamps Scholar introduced me to some of my closest friends and mentors. Everywhere I turned there was someone encouraging me or putting me in contact with someone. These people helped shape me professionally, but also were instrumental in challenging me to be a servant leader every step of the way. It’s hard to imagine my college experience without the Stamps Scholarship because it gave me my first community, and that community influenced how I chose to give back to my university. The Stamps Scholarship made an education possible that otherwise wouldn’t have been, and the Stamps Community mentored and grew me in ways I could never fully explain. I am beyond grateful and honored to be part of this cohort. The desire to give back in whatever way possible has only been grown through this experience and gift.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Be present even when you’re uncomfortable. I think it’s really easy when you’re in college, to be in a season of change where you’re growing a lot personally and professionally and think, “I can’t wait for this part to just be over.”. Be present in those moments and in those seasons. Take notice and appreciate those impacting you and the work you are putting in to evolve as a leader, as a friend, and as a mentor. Every moment of every day, you have the skills to help someone by being present and paying attention to where they’re at. It will teach you about yourself and the people around you.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
Claire Lee, an older Stamps Scholar, had one of the largest impacts on me. Claire never shied away from having real conversations with me– conversations about the “NOs” we all get and never speak of, questioning life decisions, pursuing opportunities that turned out not to be fulfilling, you name it. She was one of the first people who made me realize that I added value in a way that was different than my peers, and only my own self doubt could keep me from being successful in that. Another fellow scholar, Kai Strubel, was really influential for me. Kai has been someone who continuously encourages me to challenge myself and go outside of my comfort zone. In moments where I have doubted my abilities or skills, Kai has been the person to pick me up and remind me that the sky is the limit. Additionally, my parents gave me the courage to pursue what I was passionate about unwaveringly. They have been listening ears and proud encouragers in every endeavor, something I’ll be eternally grateful for.

What comes next?
I will be working for Ernst and Young in the Business Advisory Program for Financial Services.