Nicolas Morales
Purdue University

Degree: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
I was particularly lucky to land in a class of Stamps Scholars at Purdue that bonded very quickly. It was amazing to have, from the start, a community of diverse yet similarly motivated students to be a part of. It fostered my investment in the Stamps community early, which shaped my four years as a Stamps Scholar here. I was able to build relationships with new scholars as they entered the community and I’ve been inspired consistently by the incredible group of people I find myself a part of.
The enrichment fund also made it possible for me to study abroad every year while I’ve been at Purdue. I was fortunate to be able to visit Cuba, England, Scotland, and Greece, and even immerse myself in New Zealand for a whole semester. Each of these experiences changed my life in its own way, and because of them I now have a deeply ingrained love for international travel. My job after graduation could possibly involve working abroad, which is something I may not have been comfortable with or known how much I loved if it weren’t for these opportunities. The Stamps Family Foundation made them possible, and for that I am very grateful.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Be comfortable and patient in getting where you want to go. You don’t have to know everything right away. As a freshman, I found myself often frustrated with my lack of experience and knowledge, whether it had to do with my studies or other aspects of my life. I certainly don’t claim to know everything I need to know now, but I have come to an understanding that gaining experience and knowledge is a journey that takes time – and has a few surprises along the way.
Also, invest your time and effort into things you are passionate about and want to do, not things that you think you should do or other people want you to do. That’s a great way to get frustrated, burnt out, and unhappy. The experiences that will offer you the most fulfillment are those that genuinely interest you.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
During my time at Purdue, the fellow Stamps Scholars in my cohort have helped make my experience a positive one. Whether it was through enjoying Stamps events together or offering advice and support when times got tough, I’m very fortunate to have met them.
I also was very happy to have cultivated a network of musicians within the Purdue Stamps community and to have spent time connecting with them through music. From our thwarted attempt to play at SSNC ’17 through our successful talent show performance at SSNC ’19, jamming with them has been a highlight of my time in college.

What comes next?
I’ll be working in Chicago as a Systems Engineer for DMC, Inc.