Sam Althaus
University of Illinois

Degree: B.S. in Advertising

How did the Stamps Scholarship help shape your undergraduate experience?
My Stamps Scholarship has quite literally changed my life and shaped my college career. Through Stamps I was able to make lifelong friends, travel outside my home country for the first time, and network with scholars from around the world at conventions and conferences to learn more about how they are making an impact in their community and the world.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
You are going to have that feeling of ‘impostor syndrome’ a lot, where you feel like you don’t belong. But you do and odds are other people feel that way, too. Embrace it and fake it until you make it.

Who has had the greatest impact on you throughout your college career and how so?
My Stamps Scholar advisor, Sarah Watson, has been there supporting me and encouraging me through thick and thin all throughout college. She is the best advisor in the world and the scholars at Illinois are so lucky to have her!

What comes next?
Looking to work as an art director in the advertising industry in Chicago