A special benefit of being a Stamps Scholar is access to the ever-growing national network of fellow Scholars and alumni. Along with the Scholars on their campuses, students have many opportunities to connect with their peers from other Stamps partner schools, including regional conferences and informal meet-ups hosted by partner schools, the biennial Stamps Scholars National Convention, and other programming throughout the school year and summer months.
Featured stories
Five Stamps Scholars Win Rhodes Scholarships
Stamps Scholars studying journalism and communications use storytelling to change the world
Stamps Scholar creates app to bridge divide between students and their representatives
The Stamps Scholars Program Welcomes the 18th Class of Stamps Scholars
Nearly 700 students from institutions across the nation gather in Atlanta, GA to engage with peers and national leaders at the 2023 Stamps Scholars National Convention
12 Stamps Scholars Receive Goldwater Scholarships
Stamps Scholars on spring break
Stamps Scholar Wins Schwarzman Scholarship
Five Stamps Scholars Win Rhodes Scholarships
Stamps Scholars and Alumni Meet Up in the Summer